Stress Less, with
Fully-Automated Crypto Investing

* Percent returns of assets liquidated of Soon's users from Jun - Oct 2022. Represents returns after inbound transfer fees, before outgoing transfer fees.

Past returns are not a guarantee of future performance. Investing always carries a risk of loss, never invest more than you can afford to lose.


Automated & Easy

Auto Buy | Auto Sell | Auto Portfolio
Auto Transfers | Auto Taxes
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Auto Buying
Auto Selling
Auto Portfolio
Auto Transfers
Auto Taxes
  • Auto Buy
  • Auto Sell
  • Auto Portfolio
  • Auto Transfers
  • Auto Taxes
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Soon - Reimburse your spending w/ crypto gains, powered by OpenAI | Product Hunt
Soon - Reimburse your spending w/ crypto gains, powered by OpenAI | Product Hunt

Enhanced by

OpenAI enhances Soon's transaction reimbursement model.

Monthly Investment & Potential Returns

* Potential earnings assuming the average returns of Soon's users, Jun - Oct. 2022. Potential earnings are not a guarantee of future performance and are an estimate based on historical user data. Future performance is heavily dependent on unpredictable market fluctuation. Investing always carries a risk of loss, never invest more than you can afford to lose.


Potential Earnings*







Potential Earnings*







Potential Earnings*






Fully Automated Investing

No Effort - No Stress - No Complicated Setup

Soon's Automated Services:


Soon uses dollar-cost averaging to invest so you don't need to decide when to buy.


When you spend, Soon is securely notified and sells your highest gains to cover the transaction.


Soon provides a standard portfolio so you don't need to spend hours researching what to buy.


Soon transfers money from your bank to invest, and transfers your earnings back to your bank weekly.


With every gain sold, Soon sets a portion aside in a Tax Stash to cover your capital gains taxes.
Learn more about how Soon automates every aspect of investing.

How Soon Works

Invest directly with Soon to manage automated investing with a transaction fee-based service.
Get Soon’s automated services in Coinbase, or the trading platform of your choice for a subscription fee.
Learn More

Manage Short-Term & Long-Term Investing

Soon is designed to assist with your unique investment needs. Invest monthly to optimze Soon's reimbursement features, make manual investments that benefit from Soon's reinvesting feature...or a combination of both

You decide what percent of your earnings are sent back to your bank account each week and what percent gets reinvested. Reinvesting compounds your earnings by sending them back through the Soon algorithm perpetually until you decide to pull them out.

No More Emotional Roller-Coasters

Investing in crypto can be stressful, emotional, and time-consuming. But with Soon, you don’t have to spend your emotional energy getting wrapped up in unpredictable market fluctuations.

You’ll be notifiied when your spending gets reimbursed by your crypto gains. It’s that simple, you find out after the fact…no more emotional roller-coasters.

Increase Your Buying Power

Or in other words, put more spending money into your bank account in the near-term. Soon’s buy-sell cycles are designed to be small, so earnings are constantly being sent back to your bank account.

That means more financial choice so you can spend less time worrying about your investments and more time living your life in the near-term.

This is why we call Soon…Soon.

Automating Sound Investing Principles

Investing in crypto shouldn't feel like gambling. Soon automates tried and true investing principles like dollar-cost averaging, diversification and non-prediction, providing a more responsible investment approach that keeps working for you even when you're busy living your life.

Soon enhances probability by investing in and tracking hundreds of crypto positions each month, taken daily, at different prices, across different assets. Then when you spend, Soon checks the markets to aggressively take advantage of any gains that might be available.

By constantly selling available gains, this strategy can also reduce exposure to loss. Soon is designed to keep value in crypto just long enough to take gains, but not long enough to miss out on opportunities.

Down Market?
Earning is Still Possible

In 2022, Soon’s early users were been able to benefit from market gains, even when the market was dropping. That’s because Soon is designed to take advantage of micro-opportunities provided by crypto through short-term volatility.

Soon is sort of like non-speculative, automated day trading, buying often and selling often during small and large price upswings, taking smaller gains more frequently that add up over time.

Learn more here.

Tested & Reliable Investing

Soon Beta Results
  • 11.9% Avg Returns*
  • 16 Days Average Time to Sell Investment Positions
  • Users started earning in 10 days or less on avg.
* Percent returns of assets liquidated by Soon users from Jun - Dec 2022. Represents returns after inbound transfer fees, before any outgoing transfer fees.Past returns are not a guarantee of future performance. Investing always carries a risk of loss, never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Safe, Secure and Ethical

Assets Held 1 to 1

Soon has a strict 1 to 1 custody policy. For every investment  presented in the Soon app, that exact amount is held in your wallet.

Your investment in Good Hands

When you use Soon, your investment is managed within a regulated trust. Your funds are not leveraged for undisclosed, risky, or external ventures.

Solely Incorporated in the USA

Soon and its partner Fortress Trust are solely incorporated in the USA, with no active foreign sub-entities. Soon's services meet all regulatory requirements.

Volatility Shield

Soon is designed to benefit from the positive aspects of short-term volatility. Soon aggresively takes available gains, reducing exposure to the negative side of volatility.

Private and Anonymous

Military-grade 256 bit encryption protects your data, especially your personal financial information. We also value your privacy. Your data will never be sold and is encrypted in a manner that we can’t review ourselves without your permission


Soon’s founders have extensive experience in cyber-security and built Soon from the ground up with bank-grade security protocols. Soon is architected with multiple fail-safe mechanisms to ensure your assets are as safe as possible.


Soon is supported by a Nevada trust, one of the most trusted partners in the investment industry. Trusts provide secure custodial services for all Soon users..